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Stress Management

stress management Ireland

After successfully passing the training program, the trainee should:

  • have knowledge of the general requirements of the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) concerning hours of work and rest;
  • be able to identify the common causes, the symptoms and effects of stress;
  • describe how a stress management procedure can minimize the risks from stress;
  • understand the importance of carrying out a stress risk assessment;
  • take necessary actions to control stress


Entry Standards for admission to the training course are:

  • Certificate of Competency, Education Certificate, or Certificate of Proficiency (according to the requirement of the specific fields as defined by the international or national regulations);
  • Seamen’s book, Civil passport, or ID.

Course Details

Duration 2 hours
language English
Students 1-20
Assessment 1
Price 60 $

Course Features

  • Lectures 0
  • Quizzes 0
  • Duration 10 weeks
  • Skill level All levels
  • Language English
  • Students 0
  • Assessments Yes