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This course is designed for beginner officers who have received relevant naval education and need to develop and update both theoretical and practical knowledge and skills. The course discusses all the issues that are necessary for the 3rd and 2nd officers. After completing the course they will be able to fully fulfill their obligations on board ships and also go through interviews with employers.

Name of Modul Description Duration Outcomes – knowledge, understanding, ability
1 Fire Fighting, Life Saving Appliances and Personal Protection Equipment (FFE ,LSA and PPE) The module describes types of firefighting equipment available on ships, their classification, methods of use, services and inspections. As well as personal and team rescue and safety equipment, methods for their use, service and inspection. Much attention is paid to the methods for the operation of personal safety equipment on how to use various poisonous, toxic and flammable gases when measuring in Enclosed Spaces. Unit 1 – 8 Hrs
Unit 2 – 8 hrs
Unit 3 – 8 hrs
  • Use of Fixed Fire Fighting and Life Saving equipment;
  • Use of Portable Fire Fighting and Life Saving Equipment;
  • Test, Inspection and maintenance of Fire Fighting and Life Saving Equipment;
  • Schedule, Maintain and Carry out of Training Drills on Board of vessel for Crew members;
  • How to keep records for all equipment;
  • How to Use Personal protective Equipment, how to Calibrate and maintain Records of all equipment;
  • Relevant terminology and knowledge of relevant phrases in English;
  • Monitoring of safety rules for crew members, rules for use of personal safety equipment.
2 International Maritime Conventions and Operation Management of Vessel (ISM / SMS / ISPS ) The module describes the main international maritime conventions, their application, scope and purpose. Great attention is paid to what requirements comply with each convention and how ships are regulated accordingly. The module incorporates unit of ship management procedures which includes document circulation, how to monitor and control over certificates and various documents, how to conduct internal/external audits on ships and avoid observations. Unit 4 – 11 hrs
Unit 5 – 14 hrs
  • International Maritime Conventions and Rules;
  • Purpose of certificates on board and their use, control;
  • Use and Understanding of all ISM Manuals which available on board of the vessel;
  • Company Safety management System;
  • Preparation of the vessel and crew members for Internal and External Audits;
  • Preparation of the vessel for Vetting Inspection, Port state Control Inspection;
  • Use and Implementation of Company requirements and Contingency Plan;
  • Understanding and comply of master Standing Orders;
  • Records of Bridge Record Book, Bridge Bell Book, Bridge Bell Book and etc;
  • His responsibility as Officer In Charge, which indicated very clear in Companies Operation Manual.
3 Communication Equipment and Navigation Equipment The module describes the rules for using of communication equipment. It also includes developing practical skills on how to establish communication between ships and shore stations. Great attention is paid to the equipment of the navigation bridge, the use of which is essential for all officers. Unit 6 – 5 hrs
Unit 7 – 4 hrs
  • Use of Communication Equipment Located on the Navigation Bridge;
  • Use of EPIRB and SART in case of emergency;
  • Use of AIS Equipment,
  • Use of Emergency VHF radios, frequently test and inspection
  • Periodical test and maintenance of GMDSS equipment, carry out shore – ship frequently test;
  • How to keep record of GMDSS record book;
  • Use of all navigation Bridge equipment;
  • Frequently inspection and test of navigation equipment, which required;
  • Calculation of variation and Deviation of Gyro and magnetic Compass;
  • Use of Chronometer and kept record of book.
4 Navigation of The Ship The module describes ship navigation issues such as astro navigation, as well as ship navigation issues in different conditions and circumstances. Modern navigation methods and definitions are discussed, which will provide good practical skills to the Seafarers. Unit 8 – 8 hrs
Unit 9 – 12 hrs
  • Navigation of the ship in Coastal waters;
  • Navigation of the ship in Ocean;
  • Meaning of IALA System and Regions;
  • Preparation and use of passage Plan;
  • Understandings of Current and Tides, calculations;
  • Emergency Anchorage and Abort Lines;
  • Celestial navigation of the ship;
  • Use of Sextan;
  • Terrestrial Navigation of the Ship;
  • Calculation of Under Keel Clearance (UKC) and Squad;
  • Understanding and knowledge of Ships Particular, stopping Distance and Turning Circle;
  • Knowledge of Astronomy;
  • Calculation of Errors and Azimuth.
5 ECDIS The module describes how electronic charts are used, as well as the different methods of their practical operation. Unit 10 – 16 hrs
  • Use of ECDIS;
  • Safety Depth and safety Contours;
  • T & P
  • Practical Training and good skills on ECDIS.
6 Ship Handling and COLREG 72 The module describes the Handling of the ship in different situations/ conditions, methods of Anchorage, Mooring and Unmooring operation, STS operation and etc. Furthermore, Rules of COLREG, requirements in different condition of visibilities, use of navigation lights, signals and Shapes are discussed under this module. Unit 11 – 18 hrs
Unit 12 – 25 hrs
  • Ship Handling in various condition;
  • How to use ships particular, stopping characteristics and Turning Circle for Ship Handling;
  • Mooring and Unmooring operation in Different condition;
  • Sip to Ship operation, implementation and understanding of STS check list;
  • Anchorage of the ship;
  • Safe operation of the ship during passing narrow Channels, canals and Coastal waters;
  • Pilotage of vessel;
  • Ship Handling in congested waters and during Restricted Visibility;
  • Identification of weather and Meteorology;
  • Ship handling during emergency situation, as MOB, Grounding, Sinking, Collision and etc.
  • Towing Operation;
  • Bridge Procedure Guide;
  • Information exchange and watch arrangements on navigation Bridge;
  • Use of all arrangements and equipment for safe Ship Handling Operation.
7 Stability and Cargo Handling The module describes the stability of ship, cargo operations, preparation of the ship for cargo operations, ballasting, deballasting of the ship, preparation of cargo tanks for cargo and their inspection. Unit 13 – 12 hrs
Unit 14 – 16 hrs
  • Basic Understanding of Stability of the vessel;
  • Free surface effect;
  • Use of P&A manual during Loading and carry Chemical Cargoes;
  • Definitions of DWT, GRT, NRT, TMC, Displacement, Plimsoll Mark and etc;
  • Understanding of damage Stability Booklet;
  • Use of Ship to Shore safety Check List, understanding of all items indicated in Check list;
  • Preparation of the vessel for Loading and Unloading operation;
  • Preparation of the vessel Ballasting and de-ballasting operation;
  • Understanding of Stability Criteria;
  • Calculation of Block Coefficient;
  • Different of cargo operations – Oil Tanker, Dry cargo vessel and other Type of Vessel.
8 Preparation for Interview A prerequisite for employment is an interview required by all shipowners. In order to handle it, the Module is prepared according to the modern requirements of the employers, which each maritime officer needs to pass. Unit 15 – 24 hrs
  • Psychological preparation for the interview;
  • It is essential that the first impression should be as good as possible;
  • How to avoid confusing questions;
  • How to present ourselves;
  • Our strengths and weaknesses;
  • About us and why I want you to be employed in the company;
  • Focusing on whether it is necessary for me to be employed;
  • Why should a company choose you?
  • Also various technical issues that will help you to pass the interview successfully.
Duration of Course 26 days