Preaload Image
Title Duration Hours/Days Price (EUR)
1 Human Element in Leadership Management (HELM) 19 / 2 299
2 Compass Adjuster Course * 18 / 2 420
3 Officers Preparation for ECDIS Remote Audit (simulator training)* 16 / 2 550
4 ECDIS Type Specific Training (TRANSAS, KELVIN HUGHES) (simulator training)* 16 / 2 389
5 Wartsila RT-Flex basic training (simulator training) * 33 / 3 1500
6 Asbestos Awareness and Removal Training 8 / 1 110
7 Energy Conservation course 16 / 2 220
8 Explosion Proof Equipment Training 8 / 1 378
9 Shipboard Safety Officer 17 / 2 212
10 Cyber Security Awareness 8 / 1 130
Incident Investigation, Non-Routine Risk Assessment and Safety Mindset Block)
23 / 3 350
12 Company Security Officer 17 / 3 750
13 Risk Assessment 1 / 7 130
14 Incident Investigation 8 / 1 130
15 Safety Mindset 1 / 3 90
16 Non-Routine Risk Assessment 1 / 3 120
17 Liquid cargo and ballast water handling on Oil tankers (simulator training) * 40 / 4 500
18 Liquid cargo and ballast water handling on Chemical Tanker (simulator training) * 40 / 4 500
19 Liquid cargo and ballast water handling on Gas Tankers (simulator training) * 40 / 4 500
20 Liquid cargo and ballast water handling on LNG Tankers (simulator training) * 40 / 4 550
21 Liquid cargo and ballast water handling on Product Tankers (simulator training) * 40 / 4 500
22 Ballast Water Management Training course 16 / 2 244
23 Crude Oil Washing and Inert Gas Systems (simulator training)* 16 / 2 340
24 Volatile Organic Compounds 8 / 1 130
25 U.S. Pollution Course / OPA 90 8 / 1 130
26 Ship to Ship operations (simulator training) 24 / 3 556
27 COLREG – Applications and Response to Emergency navigational situations (simulator training/assessment) 8 / 1 275
28 Ship handling with Azimuth Stern Drive propulsion (simulator training) 24 / 3 840
29 ECDIS Type Specific Training (TRANSAS, KELVIN HUGHES) (simulator training) 16 / 2 389
30 Gas Analyzers / Detectors Calibration and Use training course 8 / 1 158
